I am a Product Designer specializing in Data Visualization & Storytelling
Women + Climate Change (Data Viz)
Data story about how women are uniquely affected by climate change. Both in developed and underdeveloped nations. ​My Role: Visual Design, Data Visualizations, Web Development
Bangladesh Births and Elevation Risk Levels (Data Viz + GIS)
A vulnerability analysis identifying low elevation that coincide with areas of high birth rates across Bangladesh. My Role: Geographical Information System (GIS), Data Analysis, UI Design
US State of the Union Presidential Speeches (Data Viz)
This experimental project is based on 4 presidential speeches, specifically the State of the Union address. My Role: Visual Design, Web Development, Data Visualization
Fake News (Data Viz)
This project investigates the sources responsible for the largest number of fake news stories. How real or how false the stories are is also examined. Warning: Some stories are explicit. My Role: Visual Design, Data Visualizations, Web Development